Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Grand Opening at Gage location

Stop by on 11-18-10 between 3:00 and 5:00 for our Grand Opening on Gage. We'll have free cookies to go along with the milk for all visitors. And thank you for each of you who helped make this day happen!

Friday, November 5, 2010

New store and New flavor!

We bring you two pieces of good news today. All week, Iwig Family Dairy has been operating at the new Gage location for a few hours each afternoon. As of tomorrow, that will change, and we will be open Mondays through Saturdays from 10:00 to 7:00. As the store evolves, we hope to carry the same range of products available at the farm, including a variety of locally produced products. Come out and visit!

Also, we continue to get requests for our flavored milks, this afternoon, we should have banana milk on the shelf, and more flavors have been ordered. Especially watch for our Egg Nog in the upcoming weeks as the holidays approach!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Eggnog on the shelf, and Name That Calf

I came to work this morning, greeted by the smell of eggnog in the processor. It was a long stretch, waiting for it to be bottled, so I could sample it. Delicious! As the holidays approach, we hope to be offering eggnog on a fairly regular basis. Be watching for it in the dairy store and in the stores that distribute Iwig milk.

Now, we need your help. Whenever a calf is born, we refer to the first letter of the mother's name to guide our selection of the calf's name, so it is easier to track the family lines. Today, Holleen had a heifer calf. We are asking YOUR help in selecting a name for her. The options are "Holly" and "Hillary." What do YOU think? Cast your vote for the name of our newest baby!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fall Festival Photos

Follow the link. We've posted 40 pictures from our Fall Festival on the Iwig Family Dairy Facebook page: We had an awesome day on the farm - perfect weather, fantastic music, great food, and fun for all. Plans are already in the works for next year. For all who came, thank you for making this a successful Fall Festival, and thank you for your support all year. May God's blessings be upon all.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fall Festival Line Up

We are really getting excited as Saturday draws near. The farm will be buzzing with activity at our annual Fall Festival. Here's the lineup as it stands right now:

The Iron Florist - Randy Fay
Victoria Rubottom - Weaver
Paul and Leanna Simpson - Antler, bone, woodburning and carving
Russ Ehark - Chainsaw woodcarving
Sam and Crystal Kennedy - Honey
The Key Club - Flowerpot hats and face painting
Pam Whitebread - Sewing and floral crafts
Horseway Farms and Adventures - Horsedrawn wagon rides
Petting zoo
Boy Scout Troop #183 - Concessions, including Dutch oven desserts
Oakley Creek Catering and BBQ Sandwiches, potatoes, etc...
Steve Anderson - Cinnamon roasted nuts
Iwig Family Dairy - Ice cream by the scoop and pints of milk
Small pumpkins available for sale and to paint
Antique tractors
- Bootlegger Moutain Dulcimer Band
- A Violin and Guitar Duo
- SHBC Worship team
- Pastense

Come on out for a fun, family friendly and FREE fall activity on the Farm!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fall Festival News!!!

Fall has arrived in North East Kansas, and we are enjoying the cooler days here on the farm. The cooler weather brings new energy to the place, as fall haying continues, new calves are born, and the whole family prepares for the Iwig Family Dairy Fall Festival. We are excited to announce this year's festival, scheduled for October 16, 2010 from 2 to 6 pm. Many friends are helping us with the preparations so we can offer a wide variety of family friendly activities. This year we will have horse drawn wagon rides from Horseway farms, arts and crafts booths, a petting zoo, music, food, an of course, the freshest glass bottled milk available in North East Kansas! Admission is free! Come celebrate fall with us!